2008年abc遊戲 活用空中美語 11月份單字
2008年 活用空中美語 11月份單字 Unit5 〈黃建為的溫暖音符〉的單字 因為我忘了帶 希望能快點告訴我 謝謝!
KK音標我就不打了 單字: 1. relaxing (adj.) 令人放鬆的 Watching TV is a very relaxing activity. 2. gentle (adj.) 溫柔的 Be gentle when you hold a newborn baby. 3. melody (n.) 旋律 Dave was humming the melody of his favorite new pop song. 4. formal (adj.) 正式的 When going to formal events, you should wear a suit like everyone else. 5. touch (v.) 感動 The woman was touched when her son brought her a birthday present 6. light (adj.) 輕快的 Emma's mood was light because she finished her final report. 7. positive (adj.) 正向的 Emma is always positive and looks on the bright side of life. 8. carve (v.) 雕刻 The artist made things by carving pieces of wood with a knife. 9. frustrated (adj.) 挫折的 Jason couldn't solve the math problem, so he got frustrated. 10. sensitive (adj.) 敏感的 Jamie is very sensitive and always cares about others&菁英美語#039; feelings. 11. foundation (n.) 基金會 The dog foundation is a place where street dogs are kept. 12. inspire (v.) 激發 After walking on the beach, the woman was inspired to paint. 13. anxious (adj.) 憂慮的 Maybe you will feel anxious before you have an exam. 14. practical (adj.) 實務的 Ben was learning practical skills that he could use to grow food. 15. persuade (v.) 說服 The parents tried to persuade their son to be a lawyer. 16. steady (adj.) 穩定的 Sales at the store remained steady, going neither up nor down. 17. pursue (v.) 追求 Veronica wanted to pursue a career in art. 18. challenge (n.) 挑戰 There are many challenges in life that we must face. 片語: 1. let go of 放下;不去想 2. be thankful for 感激 3. give it a try 試看看 字彙小補帖:(僅供參考) scarecrow (n.) 稻草人 Golden Melody Awards (n.) 金曲獎 album (n.) 專輯 note (n.) 音符 soar (v.) 翱翔 drifter (n.) 漂泊者 divorced (adj.) 離婚的 vegetative (adj.) 植物人狀態的 occupational therapy (n.) 職能治療 intern (n.) 實習生 uncertainty (n.) 不確定